Elon har nu indrømmet at FSD kræver flere ressourcer end HW3 kan levere: https://electrek.co/2025/01/29/elon-musk-finally-admits-that-tesla-will-have-to-replace-its-hw3-self-driving-computers/
Tesla’s head of FSD, Ashok Elluswamy, first responded that they “are not giving up on it”, but then Musk corrected him saying that “the truth is that we will need to replace all HW3 computers in vehicles where FSD was purchased.”
He said that Tesla would replace them for free, but he specified that it would only be for people who bought the up to $15,000 Full Self-Driving package.
That could prove problematic as Tesla always promised that “all cars produced since 2016 are capable of Full Self-Driving” – not just the ones who paid for the software.